Saturday, April 11, 2009

North Carolina

We finally reached our 2nd state, North Carolina yesterday, and crossed the 100-mile mark today. Yesterday we hiked through a lightning and thunder storm, and had hail hit us after setting up camp, but today we are nice and dry and staying the night in Franklin. Tomorrow we will enjoy an all-u-can-eat pancake breakfast at a local Baptist church. Happy Easter!
My (hannah's) knee is doing a lot better, due to the more gradual declines in NC. Thanks for your prayers and I'll always be appreciative of more :)
Mike finally has a trail name - EarlyBeard - due to us being the earlybirds every morning and leaving camp before the rest of the hikers, and also because everyone comments on him already having a big beard before starting the trail.
It's amazing how much time you have to think while hiking. Usually there is a hymn going through my head, as those provide a good walking rhythm, as well as 10 other thoughts and ideas. The Doxology is what always pops in in the morning, and it suits our journey quite well:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

We've seen signs of bears, but no actual sightings yet. In 2 days we will be reaching the Great Smoky Mountains National Park which has the highest population of black bears in the country, so we are almost guaranteed to have an encounter.


  1. Good Luck Guys! I had no idea you were hicking the trail... that is why I have not seen you around Entomology enymore!!!

    Enjoy, be safe and have a Happy Easter

    Laura Avila

  2. If you encounter a black bear, don't play dead. Maybe, Hannah, you can sit on Mike's shoulders and wave your arms around. (Or is that standard procedure for a grizzly?) Just don't look a black bear in the eye. (Or, maybe that's caution for a gorilla.) You know, maybe you could roll your eyes while backing up in a zigzag pattern, and throw distracting pieces of beef jerky in the direction opposite the one you're going. And make cooing sounds while flapping your left arm. That should confuse 'em.

  3. Hey guys. Just a little heads-up, I sent you a small package for your arrival in Gatlinburg. Also, tell us about some of the things you do on the trail, i.e., where you bathe, where you wash/clean your clothes, what/how you cook, how much food you take along, do they have outhouses for the hikers to use? All this stuff is interesting to us non-hikers. Lastly, do NOT look a bear directly in the butt, either. :)

  4. Mike and Hannah, I am definately enjoying your blog. The photos are lovely. I took my son to the Great Smokey Mountains years ago and we both enjoyed it tremendously. God's handiwork is amazing isn't it? I hope to go again one day. You too take care and God bless.
